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About Us


Why Choose Us?

Every 10th restaurant in the UK drinks coffee in

OUR cups! We offer very high-quality goods at very competitive prices. We also have expertise in creating personalised package designs that give our customers excellent customisation options for their packaging. Our sales representatives offer individualised consultations to comprehend customers' unique demands thoroughly and offer the finest solutions.


Check out our complete range of proven solutions by industry segments.

100% Eco-friendly

Viosimos United manufactures our line of products using a number of renewable plant-based resources. Packaging by Viosimos is compostable, recyclable, and biodegradable in its final form.


 We offer personalised printing on a variety of our  products. Our creative experts can assist you with showcasing your brand together with your passion for environment, from logos to entire artwork.

Responsibly sourced

At Viosimos, all of our packaging products are made from materials that have been sourced ethically. Created with the circular economy in mind, where resources are reused rather than being wasted.

Industry Expertise

To build a brand that is truly regenerative, Viosimos integrates material design with an ethical, sustainable business strategy. We provide the finest products at even better prices.

Be Clean,
Go Green.


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